We often go through our day to day not realizing the things that can go wrong in our households like fire, floods and theft.
I’ve been working with a client lately evaluating all of his computer equipment including televisions, Xbox, routers, and all other piece of technology. Reason being is a water fixture broken on the top floor of the house and poured water down through the floors, ceilings, light fixtures, and just about everything else for the weeks they were away. The damage was extensive as the entire house had to be gutt to remove the saturated wallboard and insulation. It is certainly up their as anyones worst nightmare.
The reason I bring this up is having an up-to-date inventory list of all your tech is both vauluable and will save you the painstaking process of having to catalog everything post event. If this were a fire it would be nearly impossible to catalog everything.
We would be happy to assist in setting up your inventory and asset managment report so you can feel confident that you’re prepared in the event something happens.